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发布者:     发布日期:2018年04月26日 13:54     点击数:

科研 发表于: 2018-04-26 13:54  点击:577


报告时间:2018年5月3日星期四上午 九 点


报 告 人:杨雪博士




    The number of persons under community sanctions and measures in the criminal justice system have grown rapidly in many European countries. In response to this phenomenon, the Council of Europe has issued several recommendations on community sanctions and measures in recent decades. The European Union has also published two framework decisions concerning community sanctions and measures that are legally binding on its member states. This article examines the shifts of the general legal philosophies of European instruments on community sanctions and measures, through a review of the subtle changes in the rhetoric of these. Results show that community sanctions and measures are increasingly promoted because of their inherent value, rather than simply because they provide the means to reduce the use of imprisonment. The European instruments assert interdependence between the two objectives of offender rehabilitation and public protection, consider the indicators related to both as the criteria for effective supervision, and understand community sanctions and measures as being not only efficiency oriented but also based on Europe’s human rights framework. However, a particular concern — risk management of dangerous offenders — leads to looser interpretations of some principles of human rights. To retain the European image of resisting punitiveness, this problem can be addressed by firmer and stricter interpretation of these principles.


    杨雪,1989年生,2011年6月获中国政法大学法学学士学位,2013年6月获中国政法大学刑法学硕士学位,2016年在德国马普所外国和国际刑法研究所访问交流,2018年4月获比利时根特大学法学博士学位(导师:现任欧洲犯罪学协会会长Tom Vander Beken教授),攻读期间兼任当代犯罪学课程指导教师。其研究方向为:中欧社区刑罚比较研究。杨雪博士已在European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research、Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal等国际知名期刊发表高水平论文数篇。





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